Monday, August 28, 2006

Technorati Profile

First politically-charged test blog

(My first few blogs are actually transferred from my old Myspace account. I'll write up more topical stuff later on.)

I'm finally going to come out and say this, and I don't care if the secret-service throws me in prison for it:

George W. Bush is our WORST president ever. He barely has any idea of what's going on, and I don't think even he believes that he's been running the country for this long. (Actually, technically, that's been the work of Dick Cheney and many of their "friends".) Bush has said that's he's "a uniter, not a divider", but I say he's a "mishandler". He mishandled the war in Iraq, he mishandled our foreign policy, he mishandled our economy, and he totally mishandled the relief efforts after hurricane Katrina (with little to no help from FEMA). The Bush administration is even under suspicion for the "handling" of the tragedy of 9/11 (I personally suspect that they had enough information to prevent that disaster from happening). The only thing Bush hasn't mishandled is his loyalty to the oil companies. The prices constantly rise and will continue to do so, while the companies make billion-dollar profits and their CEOs receive king-size "golden-parachutes".

I know I'm not the only who sees the unfairness of it all. I'm just glad that I have a small car that's fuel-efficient (i.e. a small gas-tank).

But, I have an idea to help the economy and to counteract the hard-earned money we spend at the pump: REDEEMABLE RECEIPTS.

I thought of this from a radio ad, where turning in a gas-station receipt would get you reduced admission to a theme-park. I think we should take it a step further and have gas receipts be redeemed for discounts at supermarkets, clothing stores, and all other areas of commerce. The receipt is good for one full week after gas purchase, and the more it is the higher the discount. A family that drives a SUV will greater benefit when buying groceries.

I don't think this is that much of a crackpot idea if the government is serious about improving our economy. I personally had to make a number of sacrificies because of high gas prices (I have to drive to work, and there are no carpooling options where I am), including reducing my food budget. Not everyone has the fortune of a well-paying job, especially me. Apparently the Bush administration has the belief that poor people don't exist.

Paying a high price at the pump, but saving money on food, clothing and other necessities. Tell me that's not a good way of balancing things out.

(Many places have already started on this. Vons grocery-stores now redeem 10-cents per gallon of gas from your grocery purchase.)